2020 Medicare Participation Physicians/Suppliers Directory (MEDPARD) NOW AVAILABLE!

The 2020 MEDPARD (Medicare Participation Physicians/Suppliers Directory) is now available! As in the past, there will be no hardcopy distributions. Beneficiaries can use the Internet or contact 1-800-MEDICARE for assistance in locating a participating supplier near their home. Also, the beneficiary’s local Social Security Office(s), the Area Administration on Aging office(s) and other beneficiary advocacy organizations may be able to assist as well.

JH MEDPARD includes:

  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • New Mexico
  • Oklahoma
  • Texas

To access the directory, use the arrow pull-down windows to select a specific state, county and specialty. Click “Submit” and the supplier choices will display in alphabetical order.