Novitas Solution Updates

New in Novitasphere: Billed in Error Novitas, the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for Jurisdictions H and Jurisdiction L, is pleased to announce that we’ve heard your requests!  Part B customers have been asking for a self-service function to correct paid claims that have been Billed in Error. Now, customers have that capability with Novitasphere, our free, secure internet [...]

2019-03-01T10:12:10-06:00March 1st, 2019|

The 2019 Medicare Participation Physicians/Suppliers Directory (MEDPARD)

The 2019 Medicare Participation Physicians/Suppliers Directory (MEDPARD) became available on our website on January 29, 2019. You can find the 2019 Medicare Participation Enrollment information on the tool bar on the left hand side of our website. As in the past, there will be no hard copy distributions. Beneficiaries can use the internet or contact [...]

2019-03-01T10:07:22-06:00March 1st, 2019|


[pdf-embedder url="" title="p2p invite AAP_Dr Alvarez_"]

2019-02-13T11:45:11-06:00February 13th, 2019|

A big Thank You

    A Big Thank You to our Presenting Sponsor  for the 2018 Ursula Krusen Award  

2018-05-23T13:01:14-05:00May 23rd, 2018|

2018 Ursula Krusen Award Dinner

Texas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society Presents 2018 Ursula Krusen Award Presentations   Saturday, May 19, 2018:  The Texas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society held its Annual Business Meeting and 2018 Ursula Krusen Award competition at Kirby’s Steakhouse in San Antonio.   The following residents presented their research presentations:   Joseph William, DO - UT DELL [...]

2018-05-23T12:55:34-05:00May 23rd, 2018|


What’s New with Novitasphere Part B   Novitasphere, the FREE, secure internet portal for the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) Jurisdictions H and L providers, billing services, and clearinghouses, is always looking for ways to improve the customer experience.  We are excited to announce that we have implemented a number of new features in the month of [...]

2018-05-09T08:22:01-05:00May 9th, 2018|

NEED Help After Harvey

September 21, 2017 Thanks to the generosity of physicians and organizations throughout Texas and the United States, physicians who are rebuilding their medical practice in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey can apply for financial assistance through TMA’s Disaster Relief Program. TMA’s Disaster Relief Program has received almost $1 million in donationsto help physicians whose practices sustained physical [...]

2017-09-22T12:23:43-05:00September 22nd, 2017|

Harvey Relief Information

As President of Texas Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Society, I encourage you to join me in helping Physiatrists begin treating their patients in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. As we get many solicitations, please join me via the Physicians Benevolent Fund in support of TMA Disaster Relief Progam, to reestablish patient care in the disaster [...]

2017-09-05T08:42:12-05:00September 5th, 2017|

HHSC Changes September 1st

More changes are afoot at the Texas Health and Human Services Commission. The state agency that oversees state health and human services activities announced last month that it will consolidate several programs while adding four members to its leadership team. TMA staff is assessing how the changes might affect the provision of quality Medicaid, mental health, [...]

2019-03-24T21:11:05-05:00September 2nd, 2017|
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